
I might say some bad words or have adult content everyonce in a while and if you can't handle it, this is not the place for you..so git!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Waiting for New Moon

I suppose I should show you my devotion of waiting in line to see New Moon. I signed up for Fandango email I got thru a tip on one of the Blogger sites. When I got the email alert, I was giddy as a school girl. I purchased my tickets right then and there; I couldn't get my credit card out fast enough for fear, OMG, that they might sell out! I have been waiting since September to see Precious and the Wolf pack along with the millions of other Twit-hearts. My daughter, her BF, and her friends along with my BFF and her son also went with me and we all made a couple of new friends. I have to thank my BFF's son for getting there at 5pm to be one of the 25 who were in the very front of the line.

My BFF and I went to the bar around the corner to "warm up" but decided to go to Starbuck’s instead. We figured booze of any kind would make us pass out since it was past our bed time. LOL

It had rained earlier in the day but thank goodness that it had stopped and the rest of the night was just so 'effin cold--in the 30's. We should have gone to see Twilight {{next time}} and could have been warm and toasty in our seats. If I had a mini-E I would have taken his picture too {{maybe next time too}}. So if Summit wants to make bank again maybe they’ll run Twilight and New Moon along with the Eclipse premiere. {HINT HINT}.

The night was great and the audience was behaving too. We had a lot of over 20 yr olds and everyone kept the screams to a very low squeee {people were actually shh'ing}. At the end with Bella, Edward and Jacob, I did clap and give a woohoo! I am going to go again very soon. I don't think I'll see it 10x's like I want but I will get my monies worth when the DVD is out. Thanks for looking! Christine.

PS~OH yea, look at my Twitarded button!


  1. I'm way behind getting out and checking everyone's blogs. That's my goal this morning; to stop and say hello to everyone I follow. I get distracted easily :) Looks like you had fun even though it was so cold. I'm going again tomorrow. Woo hoo!


  2. Hello rottymama--and hello Lisa^^^^

    You see, lisa is my Super Bloggy BFF, and wherever she goes, I will follow.

  3. And just so you know, rottymama, I like being under Mrs. P, so it's about damn time she showed up over here. *waving to my Super Bloggy BFF*


  4. OH, sniffle-sniffle, thank you Mrs.P and Lisa, I am feeling the LOVE!!
    @Lisa, just remember to be "on top" sometimes. LOL

  5. Oh, we've tried that position a few times, but Mrs. P's a lot smaller than me ;)

  6. LMAO!!!! On top, below, hiding behind...we've tried all the positions. We love them all. Waving back ***HI!!***

  7. **Hi!!!** Now I'm following you! ;D
